Did you know? The average American between the ages of 16 and 64 spends a whopping six hours and 40 minutes online daily! With our growing reliance on the internet, activities now demand faster and more reliable connections – something only fiber internet can deliver.

Cable and DSL, once sufficient for basic email, web browsing, and early social media, simply can’t keep up with today’s internet demands. Fiber optic internet blows them out of the water, offering the blazing speeds and rock-solid stability needed for modern online activities. Continue reading to learn about five increasingly popular online activities that truly shine with the power of fiber internet.

  1. The Rise of Remote Work and the Need for Speed

Remote work is booming, with a 2023 Pew Research Center report showing more than a third of remote workers doing it full-time. But success hinges on a strong internet connection. Poor bandwidth and slow upload speeds in traditional options can cause:

  • Distorted and delayed conference calls: Frustrating for everyone involved.
  • Presentation glitches: Dropped connections can sabotage your professional image.
  • Limited access to files: Uploading and downloading large documents becomes a time-consuming struggle.

Employers expect remote workers to be dependable, with clear communication and fast access to company resources. Reliable fiber internet provides the stability and speed needed to be the dependable team member your employer expects.

  1. The Rise of Online Education and the Power of Fiber

The online education landscape is flourishing, offering more options than ever before for two-year or even four-year degrees. Additionally, technical and trade programs are readily available online, providing pathways to well-paying jobs with valuable certifications.

But to truly thrive in this online learning environment, a dependable internet connection is crucial. Fiber optic internet steps up with its generous bandwidth, ensuring smooth viewing of live-streamed classes and pre-recorded videos. Furthermore, fiber’s blazing-fast download and upload speeds empower students to fully participate in interactive webinars and online video conferences, fostering a richer learning experience.

  1. Revolutionizing Healthcare: Telehealth Powered by Fiber

Telehealth, a massive innovation in healthcare, has exploded over the past decade. Doctors can now assess patient needs quickly and remotely, eliminating the need for patients to leave home, especially during illness. Telehealth consultations empower doctors to make crucial decisions about emergency room visits, at-home treatment plans, and medication refills, saving valuable time for both patients and providers.

However, the effectiveness of a telehealth appointment hinges on clear communication and visual assessment. Many doctors refuse consultations with unreliable internet connections, hindering diagnosis and treatment. Here’s where fiber optic internet shines. Its reliable service and generous bandwidth ensure crystal-clear, distortion-free video calls, enabling accurate medical assessments and effective treatment plans.

  1. Bridging the Distance: Flawless Video Calls with Fiber

Maintaining close connections with loved ones, especially those geographically distant, can be challenging. Video calling apps like FaceTime and Zoom have revolutionized how families stay in touch, offering a level of connection unimaginable just a few decades ago.

However, unreliable internet can turn video calls into a frustrating experience. Fiber optic internet solves this problem with its high bandwidth capacity and superior download and upload speeds. This allows for a smoother flow of data, resulting in crystal-clear video calls with minimal distortions and frozen screens. In essence, fiber internet bridges the physical distance, letting you stay connected with loved ones as if they were right next to you.

  1. Level Up Your Game with Fiber

The internet isn’t just for work, education, and healthcare – it’s a place for fun too! Online gaming, especially competitive multiplayer, has seen explosive growth, boasting over 1.17 billion players in 2021 and reaching an estimated 3 billion in 2023! From racing games to intricate strategy titles, online gaming offers something for everyone.

But to truly dominate the competition, gamers need the blazing-fast speeds and massive bandwidth that only fiber optic internet provides. Unlike traditional options plagued by lag, pixelation, and dropped connections, fiber delivers near light-speed downloads and exceptional capacity. This translates to smooth, responsive gameplay, letting you focus on strategy and outsmart your opponents, not battling a frustrating internet connection. With fiber, victory awaits!

These are just some of the ways NHTC’s advanced fiber network enhances your internet experience and makes life both more productive and enriching. Whatever your online needs, whether for business, leisure, health or staying connected to loved ones, NHTC’s fiber is there for you.

Published On: May 29th, 2024 | Categories: NHTC, Tech Tips |